Category: Anti Snoring

What Is A Mandibular Advancement Splint?

February 16, 2019 6:30 am

What Is A Mandibular Advancement Splint (MAS)? A Mandibular Advancement Splint is an oral appliance which is used to position the lower jaw in a more forward position. This forces the tongue to be in a more forward position making sure air is able to pass unobstructed along the airway.   There are many types of mandibular advancement splints available. The best types are those where you can re position the lower jaw more forwards incrementally. The Sleepwell® appliance allows this to happen. Other types of MAS appliances include Silensor, Negus and Herbst.   What Is The Sleepwell®? The Sleepwell® Appliance is an example of a mandibular advancement splint. The Sleepwell® consists of two appliances worn on each arch similar... View Article

How Can My Dentist Help Me Stop Snoring?

February 12, 2019 10:45 am

What is Snoring? Approximately 45% of the population snores. Snoring is a noise which is made by individuals during sleep. An obstruction or partial closure of the airway causes this sound. This can lead to sleep disturbance for the individual involved and their partners or house mates (Young et al 2003). Those who snore very loud can have relationship issues, sleepiness during the day, stress and depression.   Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) is a severe condition in which snoring is a part of. This can be potentially Life Threatening.   What is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea? Obstructive Sleep Apnoea is where there complete (apnoea) or partial (hypnoea) obstruction of the airway. This is repeated throughout the sleep and lasts 10 seconds... View Article