How Does Smoking Affect You and Your Mouth?

How Smoking Affects Your Oral Health


What Happens To Your Teeth When You Smoke?


Smoking causes staining which leaves brown marks on the teeth giving a dark discoloured look to the teeth. These stains are hard to remove with just general at home manual dental cleaning and normally requires seeing a dental hygienist who will be able to remove them.


What Effects Does Smoking Have On Your Gums?


People who smoke are more susceptible to developing Gum Disease, this is due to a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream caused by smoking. Bacterial Plaque in smokers normally builds up more rapidly than in non-smokers meaning gum disease takes effect more quickly. If gum disease is left untreated it can result in bone loss and tooth loss.


Smoking not only affects your teeth and gums it can also lead to bad breath.


The Risk Of Getting Oral Cancer From Smoking?


Smoking can lead to oral cancer of the throat or mouth, the risk of developing it depends on the length of time and how often the smoker smokes. Studies have shown that people who are smokers and who are also heavy drinkers have a much higher risk of developing oral cancer.


How Can You Brighten Your Teeth Now You Have Stopped Smoking?


The best way to brighten your teeth is to use a professional dental whitening system. There are two different types, these are:


In Chair Tooth Whitening in Hornchurch, Essex


This is carried out in the dental surgery, where a peroxide gel is applied to the tooth surface and a Blue light is placed over the teeth to activate the gel.


Take Home Whitening


Home teeth whitening is done in the comfort of your own home. You will have custom made whitening trays that you will place gel into and wear them either for an hour a day or overnight depending on which take home kit you choose.


If You Would Like Help To Stop Smoking


If you are a smoker and you would like to get help quitting smoking, then speak to our dentist who can give you advice on quitting or go to www.nhs.uk and search for Quit Smoking. If quitting smoking isn’t an option for you then we will work with you as best as possible to help protect your oral health.


If you would like more information on How Smoking Affects Our Oral Health, please visit our website www.vivadentalstudio.co.uk


If you are concerned about smoking and your oral health and would like further advice, book an appointment to see our dentist at our Viva Dental Studio in Hornchurch, Essex, who will do a thorough examination of your mouth.


Contact the surgery on 01708 446447 or alternatively email the surgery at hello@vivadentalstudio.co.uk.


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