Cancellation Policy

At Viva Dental Studio, we try to offer appointments to work around your schedule. We offer late evening and Saturday appointments each week. We provide a text message or telephone call reminder 24 hours before your appointment time.

Appointments are in high demand at Viva Dental Studio.



The reception team may ask you for a deposit to secure your next appointment. Any unpaid deposits mean your appointment will be cancelled and offered to another patient who wishes to visit the practice. We take at least a £20 deposit to secure all appointments apart from complimentary reviews following treatment you have had with us.


We try to cater for everyone’s needs and appreciate the majority who provide enough cancellation notice prior to their appointment.


Missed Appointments

Any appointment which are not rescheduled or cancelled at least 48 hours in advance will be subject to a cancellation fee. This will be proportioned according to the appointment time that has been missed.


Cancelled Appointments

Any appointment cancelled 48 hours before your appointment time will be rescheduled or cancelled and deposits will be returned if no further appointment is made. If an appointment is cancelled within the 48 hour notice period the deposit will not be returned.


Cancelled appointments with enough notice allow another patient to be allocated this time for emergencies and routine appointments.


Find out more

For further information please ask a member of the Viva Dental Studio team.