No More Messy Impressions

TRIOS 3M Digital Scanner


Here at Viva Dental Studio we aim to provide treatment in the most relaxed and calm way possible. With advances in dentistry in the last few years we aim to implement these more refined treatment options and offer them to our patients. One main advancement in dentistry is the use of a digital scanner which replaces the need for messy dental impressions. This is particularly advantageous for those patient’s who have a gag reflex and find tolerating the dental impressions difficult.


What is a digital scanner for impression taking


The digital scanner which we use is a Trios scanner made by 3M. It is a highly advanced digital scanner which can be used for smile designs, shade taking, impression taking and treatment planning. Being digital, we now have access to a wide range of dental labs across the whole world including Invisalign, Enlighten whitening, six months smiles and many more. The digital impressions reach the lab within a few minutes which means we have lowered our carbon footprint with no need for posting or collecting physical impressions. With the reduced time we have reduced the time it takes for the lab work to come back to us meaning you have your smile improved quicker and better.


What do our patients say?


We have had a great response from out patients and the use of the digital scanner. Patients are more comfortable when taking the impressions. We can show them a simulator with a before and after video of how their teeth are now and how their teeth will be. This makes it important for the patients to be able to make a decision of which treatment is best for them. Patients love the fact there is no mess and the impression taken digitally are almost always a lot quicker than the traditional impression taking. You can get your smile direct quicker.


Book in for a consultation now and the team can show you how the digital scanner works and how it can benefit you and your dental treatment.


You can book your appointment on 01708446447.


Trios, 3M, Digital Scanner, Itero, Invisalign, Six Month Smile, Teeth Whitening, Teeth Straightening, Dental Hygienist, Teeth Cleaning

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