Invisalign ClinCheck Essex

The ClinCheck is a video representation of your smile. You can see how many aligners will be needed to straighten your smile and subsequently see how long it may take to get your dream smile. The clincheck will show you how many attachment’s you will require and if there is any polishing that will be needed between the teeth.

Invisalign Clincheck Transcript

Melissa: “Hello everyone, we’re here today to review my Invisalign Clinheck so as you can see down here at the bottom this is where my teeth are slightly over crowded. The numbers down the bottom here represent the amount of polishing that’s going to be needed in between each of my teeth. If we go on to the next slide here you can see green and red attachments here – they’re going to be placed onto my teeth to help apply the pressure in the areas that are needed to move the teeth. Then if you can just see down the bottom here as I keep going along there is a number of 14 aligners that I will be using for my Invisalign treatment and as you can see at the bottom here now by the time I’m on my last aligner my teeth are at the bottom will no longer be crooked.”

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